is a curated, online directory of personal injury, medical malpractice and workers' compensation lawyers throughout the United States. All of our attorney listings and published content is strictly moderated by a US-based team of professionals. Because of this, we do not publish spammy profiles built by unscrupulous 3rd party vendors, or thin, uncited content submitted by marketing companies. Additionally we do not publish profiles for attorneys who we can't verify as handling personal injury cases from their website or other online profiles - we strive to have highly authoritative and credible information throughout our website so our visitors can find what they're looking for quickly and trust that the information they find here is accurate. Our attorney-submitted content guidelines are some of the most stringent in our industry and all attorney articles are quality checked and moderated before publishing; often we reject or require edits to submitted articles and attorney profiles that don't meet our quality requirements.
All of our published attorney listings are manually verified and double checked to ensure up-to-date information. If you find any inaccurate attorney profiles or articles, please feel free to Email us at or contact us here so we can immediately address your concerns (please include a link to the content in question). also recognizes individual attorneys for their experience in the personal injury, medical malpractice and workers' compensation practices with the "Verified Guru" designation. This designation identifies those lawyers who meet the following criteria: 1) 10 years in practice, 2) 50% or more of their practice dedicated to injury law, 3) Validation of State Bar license. Any attorney listed on our website is eligible for this designation at no cost, and the logo can be downloaded from your account dashboard.
You can learn more about how to become a Verified Guru here.
In order to avoid creating a duplicate listing on our directory, we suggest that you do a search for your name at the very top of this page and try looking for common variations of your name. There's a chance that there's a "claimable" free listing for you already set up, if there is simply claim it with a verifiable Email address (website domain Email address preferred). If there's no claimable listing for you, click here to create a new account - as mentioned above, ALL profiles go through a manual quality control process so no spam is allowed in.