Most Virginians are not familiar with the state’s personal injury process. In fact, it can be overwhelming and scary to pursue a claim when you have no idea what happens during the lawsuit, not to mention that the process can be stressful, exhaustive, and expensive.Contact a personal injury lawyer in Virginia Beach to help you navigate the legal procedure and understand various stages of the process.Stage #1: Medical TreatmentGetting better should be your priority after a vehicle...
Posted by William Breit on 04/20/2020
All head injuries should be taken seriously. Even a relatively “modest” brain injury could require extensive, long-term medical treatment. According to data published by the Brain Trauma Foundation, nearly 2.5 million Americans suffer brain injury each year. Of that number, hundreds of thousands need long-term treatment and approximately 80,000 suffer permanent impairments. If you or your loved one suffered a TBI, you need financial compensation to pay for medical care and support...
Posted by Scott Barney on 04/20/2020
We mostly stand in awe of doctors. Doctors spend years going to medical school, then more years learning their specialties. During the Coronavirus pandemic, Doctors, Nurses and other health care workers risk their lives to save others day after day in emergency rooms and intensive care units (ICU’s) across our great nation. They deserve more than a nightly round of applause. They are heroes. We are immensely grateful for the lives saved.But doctors are people, too. Doctors...
Posted by Bryan Baer on 04/07/2020
Car accidents are a far too frequent reality throughout New York, but you may not realize the extent of the problem until you learn a few key statistics. According to the New York State Department of Health, almost 1,100 residents are killed in traffic crashes every year, at a rate of 5.6 people for every 100,000 New Yorkers. Plus, on an annual basis, 12,100 are hospitalized and another 136,913 people visit an emergency room for injury-causing auto accidents. If you were injured in such an...
Posted by Steven Mandel on 03/23/2020
A personal injury claim is filed when a person suffers mental or physical harm as a result of another’s negligence. Personal injury claims are often complex cases because of applicable California laws. Nonetheless, filing a claim is essential for victims as it offers compensation, which is an indispensable resource for the healing process.Fight for the Compensation You DeserveIf you were injured as a result of another’s negligence, obtaining compensation can help you as you recover....
Posted by PersonalInjuryLaw.Guru Staff on 03/04/2020
Whether you got hurt in a car accident in Virginia Beach or elsewhere in the state, you should be thinking about filing a claim for compensation as soon as possible. However, the process for seeking compensation after a Virginia car crash can be confusing. Many Virginians know that it may be possible to file an auto insurance claim, but at the same time, many people have also heard about seeking compensation by filing a car accident lawsuit. As a result, people often ask: Should I file...
Posted by Scott Barney on 02/26/2020
Winter means frigid temperatures, snow, ice, and other inclement weather for residents of New York, but these conditions lead to much more than just inconvenience and delays in getting around town. The Federal Highway Administration (FHA) indicates that around 21 percent of all car accidents in the US are linked to adverse weather, leading to approximately 5,000 fatalities and 418,000 injuries to passengers. Considering the fact that the Big Apple gets some form of precipitation an average...
Posted by Steven Mandel on 02/07/2020
Some people don’t think that broken bones are a serious injury. They imagine that a victim just gets a cast put on the affected limb and, within a few months, the bone heals, then life returns to normal. But, if those bones have been broken as the result of an auto, truck or workplace accident, the situation may not be that simple.In some cases, rehabbing a fracture might be as simple as that. However, in many cases, complications ensue. And when they do, accident victims can be permanently...
Posted by Dennis Wagner on 02/06/2020
Whether you've suffered a slip & fall, were injured in a car accident or were bitten by a dog, many people are often left wondering if they have a personal injury claim against the liable party. It's actually fairly common to be involved in a collision or other incident and not feel the full effects of the trauma at the moment it occurs. Adrenaline, shock and human biology have ways of masking pain immediately following a traumatic event.However, over the next few days you can feel the...