Under current law, Virginia drivers are prohibited from texting or emailing on their cell phones while driving in the state. General cell phone use, however, is still permitted, except in highway work zones. A new law, known as House Bill 874, would alter current law by creating an outright ban on the use of any handheld personal communications device while driving anywhere in Virginia. The bill has already passed both the Virginia Senate and House of Representatives and is expected to be signed...
Posted by Herbert Maxey on 04/20/2020
Most Virginians are not familiar with the state’s personal injury process. In fact, it can be overwhelming and scary to pursue a claim when you have no idea what happens during the lawsuit, not to mention that the process can be stressful, exhaustive, and expensive.Contact a personal injury lawyer in Virginia Beach to help you navigate the legal procedure and understand various stages of the process.Stage #1: Medical TreatmentGetting better should be your priority after a vehicle...
Posted by William Breit on 04/20/2020
All head injuries should be taken seriously. Even a relatively “modest” brain injury could require extensive, long-term medical treatment. According to data published by the Brain Trauma Foundation, nearly 2.5 million Americans suffer brain injury each year. Of that number, hundreds of thousands need long-term treatment and approximately 80,000 suffer permanent impairments. If you or your loved one suffered a TBI, you need financial compensation to pay for medical care and support...
Posted by Scott Barney on 04/20/2020
Though much of New York City is working remotely, shopping online, and staying at home to counter COVID-19 (the novel coronavirus), there are many activities that are allowed. As the New York State Department of Health reports, some are even encouraged. Getting outdoors is a healthy way to reduce stress, so officials recommend going for a walk, biking, hiking, and other physical endeavors. Motorcycle riders also get the green light, so you can feel free to hit the open road and breathe in the...
Posted by Steven Mandel on 04/20/2020
We mostly stand in awe of doctors. Doctors spend years going to medical school, then more years learning their specialties. During the Coronavirus pandemic, Doctors, Nurses and other health care workers risk their lives to save others day after day in emergency rooms and intensive care units (ICU’s) across our great nation. They deserve more than a nightly round of applause. They are heroes. We are immensely grateful for the lives saved.But doctors are people, too. Doctors...
Posted by Bryan Baer on 04/07/2020
Car accidents are a far too frequent reality throughout New York, but you may not realize the extent of the problem until you learn a few key statistics. According to the New York State Department of Health, almost 1,100 residents are killed in traffic crashes every year, at a rate of 5.6 people for every 100,000 New Yorkers. Plus, on an annual basis, 12,100 are hospitalized and another 136,913 people visit an emergency room for injury-causing auto accidents. If you were injured in such an...
Posted by Steven Mandel on 03/23/2020
The severity of injuries sustained by a person in an accident depends on a number of factors, including the type of accident in question. Any accident that involves a significant amount of force or pressure, however, can result in crush injuries. This includes everything from vehicle collisions and workplace accidents to building collapses and accidents involving defective machinery. Whatever their cause, crush injuries tend to be extremely painful, as well as difficult and expensive to treat, so...
Posted by Walter Thomas on 03/23/2020
All collisions between passenger vehicles and commercial trucks tend to have serious consequences for occupants of the smaller vehicle, who are at risk of much more severe injuries. There are certain types of truck accidents, however, that are notorious for being especially dangerous. Underride collisions, for example, which occur when a passenger vehicle crashes into a commercial truck and becomes lodged underneath the truck itself, are one of the most deadly types of commercial truck accidents...
Posted by Herbert Maxey on 03/23/2020
As the weather warms, the birds start to chip, and the flowers begin to bloom, all may seem good and well for those living in Virginia. But in addition to longer days and more sunshine, springtime weather can also mean an increase in the number of accidents leading to personal injuries. At the office of Breit Law, PC, our experienced Virginia personal injury attorney can assist you if you’ve been in an accident. Consider these common springtime accidents, how to avoid them, and what to do...
Posted by William Breit on 03/23/2020