Traumatic brain injuries and car accidents often go hand-in-hand, leaving victims to suffer symptoms that can be debilitating or even life-threatening. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a head injury that is typically caused by a car or other vehicle accident, fall, or violence such as a blow to the head with an object. Those who have suffered a TBI as the result of a car accident that was due to another party's negligence may want to consider visiting with Hall & Lampros, LLP at (404)...
Posted by Christopher Hall on 01/24/2022
If you live in the Atlanta metro area, you already know how problematic the roads can be. Atlanta has some of the worst traffic in the nation. It was ranked 9th in total congestion delays in 2020. The average commuter spends an average of 37 hours a year just stuck in traffic.Unfortunately, all this traffic makes Atlanta one of the worst cities to drive in.According to U.S. Insurance Agents, Atlanta, unfortunately, ranks in the top ten most dangerous cities to drive in. (Number 6, following Baton...
Posted by Edward Kim on 08/05/2021
There are many accidents that can potentially lead to brain injuries. The brain is one of the most delicate parts of the body, and we rely heavily on this organ to think, feel, and move. Even a slight knock to the head can have serious consequences in the future, and the medical community now considers even mild concussions to be serious health concerns. If you want to avoid a number of notable issues, you should do everything you can to avoid these accidents. Of course, sometimes accidents...
Posted by Mary Alexander on 06/22/2021
When a motor vehicle collides with a cyclist, the results are usually catastrophic as the cyclist has little to no protection from the rugged exterior of an automobile. Across the nation, there has been a steady increase of bike accident fatalities since 2009. Unquestionably, bicyclists are at serious risk of devastating injuries when they collide with a vehicle. In the State of California, if you were injured in an accident that was caused as a result of a careless driver, you may be entitled...
Posted by Justin King on 11/10/2020
Most Virginians are not familiar with the state’s personal injury process. In fact, it can be overwhelming and scary to pursue a claim when you have no idea what happens during the lawsuit, not to mention that the process can be stressful, exhaustive, and expensive.Contact a personal injury lawyer in Virginia Beach to help you navigate the legal procedure and understand various stages of the process.Stage #1: Medical TreatmentGetting better should be your priority after a vehicle...
Posted by William Breit on 04/20/2020
All head injuries should be taken seriously. Even a relatively “modest” brain injury could require extensive, long-term medical treatment. According to data published by the Brain Trauma Foundation, nearly 2.5 million Americans suffer brain injury each year. Of that number, hundreds of thousands need long-term treatment and approximately 80,000 suffer permanent impairments. If you or your loved one suffered a TBI, you need financial compensation to pay for medical care and support...
Posted by Scott Barney on 04/20/2020
The severity of injuries sustained by a person in an accident depends on a number of factors, including the type of accident in question. Any accident that involves a significant amount of force or pressure, however, can result in crush injuries. This includes everything from vehicle collisions and workplace accidents to building collapses and accidents involving defective machinery. Whatever their cause, crush injuries tend to be extremely painful, as well as difficult and expensive to treat, so...
Posted by Walter Thomas on 03/23/2020
All collisions between passenger vehicles and commercial trucks tend to have serious consequences for occupants of the smaller vehicle, who are at risk of much more severe injuries. There are certain types of truck accidents, however, that are notorious for being especially dangerous. Underride collisions, for example, which occur when a passenger vehicle crashes into a commercial truck and becomes lodged underneath the truck itself, are one of the most deadly types of commercial truck accidents...
Posted by Herbert Maxey on 03/23/2020
A personal injury claim is filed when a person suffers mental or physical harm as a result of another’s negligence. Personal injury claims are often complex cases because of applicable California laws. Nonetheless, filing a claim is essential for victims as it offers compensation, which is an indispensable resource for the healing process.Fight for the Compensation You DeserveIf you were injured as a result of another’s negligence, obtaining compensation can help you as you recover....
Posted by PersonalInjuryLaw.Guru Staff on 03/04/2020