Losing a loved one is a traumatic and devastating experience that will affect you for years to come. It’s even harder when the loss could have been prevented had someone else just made better choices. When that’s the case, surviving family members may have the option of filing a wrongful death claim against the liable party. While nothing will truly make you whole after the death of a loved one, a wrongful death claim in Southern California can at least bring closure. With the team at...
Posted by Carolyn Tan on 12/06/2023
Depending on the facts and legal issues, witnesses could be critical to the outcome of your personal injury case. Usually, the more credible witnesses you have, the stronger your case. That can mean a higher settlement amount, an insurance company more eager to settle, and less likely to push a case to trial.If you or a loved one are injured due to another party, Aaron Hicks at the Hicks Law Firm will assist you in any way we can. Our firm serves clients with personal injury claims throughout Orange...
Posted by Aaron Hicks on 12/04/2023
Modern technology brings a plethora of new advances and this includes developments in the automobiles we use every day. A relatively new technology we hear of more often are autonomous driving systems. Autonomous vehicles have the capacity to elevate safer roads, but they can also do more harm to our roadways when not operated in a responsible manner. When a person is hurt, the injured individual has the legal right to seek monetary compensation for any damages incurred. A well-established injury...
Posted by Matthew Knez on 01/17/2023
There are many accidents that can potentially lead to brain injuries. The brain is one of the most delicate parts of the body, and we rely heavily on this organ to think, feel, and move. Even a slight knock to the head can have serious consequences in the future, and the medical community now considers even mild concussions to be serious health concerns. If you want to avoid a number of notable issues, you should do everything you can to avoid these accidents. Of course, sometimes accidents...
Posted by Mary Alexander on 06/22/2021
For the last year, COVID-19 has kept many businesses, amusement parks, and restaurants closed or limited. As states tightened restrictions and quarantine guidelines, these establishments reduced their capacity, operated on a limited basis or simply shuttered their doors. Now that the COVID-19 vaccine is being given across the country, many restaurant and business owners are eager to get back to work and resume a new normal.However, what happens if a guest or customer contracts COVID-19 while visiting...
Posted by PersonalInjuryLaw.Guru Staff on 03/25/2021
Car accidents are among the top causes of injury in New York and throughout the US, but you might be surprised at the extent of the problem when you look at the local breakdown. According to New York State Department of Health statistics for New York County:Auto crash-related injuries rank sixth as a reason for hospitalization, with about 53 residents being admitted every month.Motor vehicle accident injuries also rank sixth as a reason individuals seek care in the emergency room, at 403 county...
Posted by Steven Mandel on 12/16/2020
Panicking in the aftermath of a car accident is a normal reaction. After all, car accidents are scary and can lead to long-term harm in some cases. While keeping a calm head and frame of mind after a serious collision may feel impossible, doing so can serve you well in the long-run. As you navigate the car accident claims process, get your ducks in a row first by making a list of everything that you need to do. To help you in that process, here’s a list of six things to do after a car accident-- 1....
Posted by Walter Thomas on 12/04/2020
The civil law system exists in Virginia to make sure accident victims are made “whole.” Put simply, a motorist who is harmed through no fault of their own should not suffer financially because of the accident. Instead, the driver who is to blame should bear the financial burden. For this reason, our clients can often receive compensation for medical care, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering following a Virginia car accident.Unfortunately, not every accident victim receives...
Posted by William Breit on 12/04/2020
With Virginia Governor Ralph Northam ordering residents to stay home to slow the spread of coronavirus, thousands of Virginians have been infected with COVID-19 so far. But can they file a medical malpractice lawsuit over COVID-19 misdiagnosis, failure to treat or administer a coronavirus test, or other forms of medical errors related to the diagnosis and treatment of the virus?The question depends on a multitude of factors, including the expertise of your Virginia medical malpractice attorney,...
Posted by William Breit on 07/27/2020