There are many accidents that can potentially lead to brain injuries. The brain is one of the most delicate parts of the body, and we rely heavily on this organ to think, feel, and move. Even a slight knock to the head can have serious consequences in the future, and the medical community now considers even mild concussions to be serious health concerns. If you want to avoid a number of notable issues, you should do everything you can to avoid these accidents. Of course, sometimes accidents...
Just as cigarettes were popular in the late 60’s, today, e-cigarette use, commonly known as vaping, has exploded in popularity. The source behind the widespread use of vaping is not exact and although vaping is meant for users over the age of 18, one thing stands clear – vaping is the most popular tobacco product among adolescents and young children.Within the last few years, vaping has drastically gained traction among users under the age of 25, which has caused the occasional...