Depending on the facts and legal issues, witnesses could be critical to the outcome of your personal injury case. Usually, the more credible witnesses you have, the stronger your case. That can mean a higher settlement amount, an insurance company more eager to settle, and less likely to push a case to trial.If you or a loved one are injured due to another party, Aaron Hicks at the Hicks Law Firm will assist you in any way we can. Our firm serves clients with personal injury claims throughout Orange...
Posted by Aaron Hicks on 12/04/2023
Traumatic brain injuries and car accidents often go hand-in-hand, leaving victims to suffer symptoms that can be debilitating or even life-threatening. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a head injury that is typically caused by a car or other vehicle accident, fall, or violence such as a blow to the head with an object. Those who have suffered a TBI as the result of a car accident that was due to another party's negligence may want to consider visiting with Hall & Lampros, LLP at (404)...
Posted by Christopher Hall on 01/24/2022
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration reports that large truck accidents are a major concern in the United States. According to the agency, in 2019, there were over 162,000 traffic accidents involving large commercial trucks, including close to 13,000 collisions in the State of California alone. Large commercial truck accidents are responsible for the fatal and non-fatal injuries of thousands of people each year. When compared to other types of traffic accidents, truck accidents do...
Posted by Justin King on 04/20/2021
Sadly, drunk driving is common in Virginia. According to the Centers for Disease Control, over 250 people die each year from drunk driving collisions. Thousands more suffer an injury when an impaired driver slams into their vehicle or strikes them while walking. Alarmingly, around 1.4% of people freely admit that they drive after having too much to drink—and the true number is probably even higher.Drunk driving is not only a crime in Virginia, but it is a civil wrong called a “tort.”...
Posted by Scott Barney on 12/04/2020
The current COVID-19 pandemic has changed the lives of Iowa residents in numerous ways, as most of us are encouraged to implement social distancing, refrain from going into work if possible, and to avoid unnecessary travel. These closures, interruptions, and cancellations, however, could have more than just an impact on our day-to-day lives. Some people, for instance, may be concerned over the effect of the current pandemic on a wide range of legal claims, including car accident claims and other...
Posted by Walter Thomas on 07/27/2020
While it is true that many aspects of our lives are currently on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are also certain things, including legal matters, that cannot be put off indefinitely. Although court closures and mandatory stay-at-home orders may have made it more difficult to pursue a legal claim at this time, doing so is still possible with the help of an experienced and diligent lawyer, so if you were injured in an accident in Virginia and have questions or concerns about a pending or...
Posted by Herbert Maxey on 07/27/2020
Most Virginians are not familiar with the state’s personal injury process. In fact, it can be overwhelming and scary to pursue a claim when you have no idea what happens during the lawsuit, not to mention that the process can be stressful, exhaustive, and expensive.Contact a personal injury lawyer in Virginia Beach to help you navigate the legal procedure and understand various stages of the process.Stage #1: Medical TreatmentGetting better should be your priority after a vehicle...
Posted by William Breit on 04/20/2020
If you have been injured in an accident in the State of New Jersey, there is a high likelihood that you may want to seek filing a personal injury claim in order to recuperate from the damages you sustained. Before filing a claim, however, there are a number of state laws you may want to be aware of as they could have a significant impact on your case. New Jersey Statute of Limitations on Personal Injury ClaimsEvery state across the nation has placed strict limitations on personal injury claims...
Posted by Bayard Smith on 03/10/2020
If you recently lost a family member or a loved one because of another’s careless actions, California law may allow you the opportunity to recover financial losses caused by the wrongful death. While filing a wrongful death lawsuit may do little to ease your emotional burden, the claim can help you ease financial stressors associated with the sudden death of your loved one.Filing a wrongful death claim can be difficult and there are several elements that must be in place in order to be successful...
Posted by Sanford Kassel on 11/20/2019