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Lawyers Elizabeth Lindquist in Seattle WA

Elizabeth Lindquist

Partner at Lindquist Law, PLLC
Seattle, Washington, 98102

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Personal injury attorney in Seattle for over 20 years.

Contact Information

Law Firm Name
Lindquist Law, PLLC
Phone Number
See Phone Number
2825 Eastlake Ave E
Suite 210
Seattle, Washington, 98102
United States

Lawyer Background

Year Licensed
Seattle University School of Law

University of Washington -Seattle
Honors, Awards & Affiliations
2013 Washington Super Lawyer
Super Lawyers Magazine

2012 Washington Super Lawyer
Super Lawyers Magazine

Top Women Attorneys in Washington
Super Lawyers Magazine

Silver Key
American Bar Association, Law Student Division

Merit Scholar
Seattle University School of Law

Board of Governors Award
American Bar Association, Law Student Division

Elizabeth Woody Lindquist's practice encompasses all areas of plaintiff's personal injury law.  She has been active in politics and government from an early age because her parents wereboth Washington State Senators.  

She served as Director of Legislative Affairs for the University of Washington student body while in college.  Prior to law school she worked for the law firm defending the Pike Place Market from a hostile takeover attempt by the New York Urban Group investors.

She was a Merit Scholar at the University of Puget Sound (now Seattle University) School of Law and was elected the American Bar Association Law Student Division Governor for the 12thCircuit, which includes the eight northwest law schools.  

Upon graduation, Ms. Lindquist was the General Manager of a plaintiff's personal law firm before joining Kirk B. Bernard in 1998.  In 2006 she became a partner/shareholder in Bernard & Lindquist and opened Lindquist Law, PLLC in 2010. 

Some of her most rewarding work has been in obtaining just compensation for injured children and incompetent adults and securing adequate financial investments to provide for their future medical and education needs.  

She has served on the Board of Governors for the Washington State Association for Justice since 2006 and is currently 2nd V.P. for Judicial Relations.  She also continues to be active in the legislative process through WSAJ's Legislative Steering Committee where she worked to defeat I-330, pass the Insurance Fair Conduct Act, and was one of the principal drafters of the amendments to the Claim for Damages bill.