For the last year, COVID-19 has kept many businesses, amusement parks, and restaurants closed or limited. As states tightened restrictions and quarantine guidelines, these establishments reduced their capacity, operated on a limited basis or simply shuttered their doors. Now that the COVID-19 vaccine is being given across the country, many restaurant and business owners are eager to get back to work and resume a new normal.However, what happens if a guest or customer contracts COVID-19 while visiting...
Posted by PersonalInjuryLaw.Guru Staff on 03/25/2021
Panicking in the aftermath of a car accident is a normal reaction. After all, car accidents are scary and can lead to long-term harm in some cases. While keeping a calm head and frame of mind after a serious collision may feel impossible, doing so can serve you well in the long-run. As you navigate the car accident claims process, get your ducks in a row first by making a list of everything that you need to do. To help you in that process, here’s a list of six things to do after a car accident-- 1....
Posted by Walter Thomas on 12/04/2020
Many of us go to the gym to stay healthy. Regular exercise improves heart health and reduces the risk of various diseases. However, the fact is that gyms and fitness centers can also be dangerous places.In this post, you will learn about the legal options you can take if you have been injured in a fitness center accident.About Filing Fitness Center Injury ClaimsThousands of gym-related injuries occur every year in the US. Most are not serious, but some require extensive medical treatment. The medical...